One Step Forward in Democratizing Healthcare

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MedPearl News Team

August 6, 2024

We all know that improving health equity is an important topic, but a side to this battle that is commonly underappreciated is that of administrative and legislative details. Indeed, combining an entrepreneurial mindset with a patient-centered care approach is the best way to fight for this cause according to Dr. Jessica Schlicher. Dr. Schlicher is a Chief Medical Officer at the nonprofit organization Providence, Head of Content at MedPearl, an actionable intelligence engine, and practicing family physician, so you won't want to miss hearing her wisdom! We'd love for you to join our discussion on how MedPearl makes referring patients to specialists more efficient, how AI should be viewed as a tool to augment human knowledge, and the holistic way of assessing a patient's multifaceted life according to Providence.

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MedPearl News Team


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